Category Archives: Podcasts

Podcast Episode #79

After a brief and unforeseen hiatus, the gang is back talking comics. Issues & series include Batman Annual #2, Saga #48, East of West #35, Batman: White Knight, Mister Miracle, Paradiso #1, Sleepless #1, Hawkeye #12 & more.

Podcast Episode 78

It’s time to talk to the month in comics and some of the single issues that made an impression on the guys. Alex, Dean & Pat talk Mister Miracle #2, Dark Nights Metal #2, Generation Gone #1-3, 4 Kids Walk Into A Bank #4, Batman #30 & #31, Head Lopper #7, Black Racer Shilo Norman Special #1 &  more.

Podcast Episode Seventy Seven

Alex, Dean & Pat talk DC Comics sperheros and villians, and rank their top ten favorites. Top ten lists include Vertigo & Wild Storm charachters, because they rule. Come for the rankings, stay for the recomendations as the guys discuss some of their favorite comics that helped make these superhumans among the best in DC’s expansive universe.

Podcast Episode Seventy Five

Say you’re a new reader; maybe you were brought into comic from a charachter you like, maybe you’re just interested in the medium, maybe you saw a movie and became curious, or maybe a friend brought you in. The big question can be “Where do I start?” and that’s a difficult one, as there are thousands upon thousands of comics titles and volumes to choose from. Wel,l the NBC crew has you covered. On our seventy fifth episode, were are going to give you the guide to start your collection with $75 on Amazon or Dean, Alex & Pat each make a list of mutiple titles you can buy off the e-commerce sites, all for a total of $75 that are essential to the medium, and great starting points for new readers. Each list is unique, so you can pick out one you like, or mix and match with what was suggested, along with supplemental material. Listen, and learn the best collections to make the jump down the rabbit hole that is comics reading.

Podcast Episode Seventy Three

It’s the last month in comics, as the guys talk about the single issues they’ve read that left an impression on them over the month’s of July & August. Titles include Mister Miracle #1, Dark Nights Metal #1, Saga #45, The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina #8, Rat Queens #5, Shutter #30 & more