Tag Archives: Marvel Cinematic Universe

Is Disney becoming Alchemax?


I tried playing a mental game last week, where charted the companies that own DC Comics upwards to the top. It went DC Comics, DC Entertainment, Warner Brothers, Time Warner, and possibly AT&T in the future. Of course I got all this wrong without the help of the internet, but I did it to illustrate how hard its become to track where our media is coming from. That becomes important because increasingly, its changing in absurd ways and everyone wants your web cookies so they can predict what you will buy next week or even next month. Take that same game that I started with, and do it with Marvel Entertainment/Lucas Films/Pixar/ and Disney. Now add 21st Century Fox to that list. It’s not a linear thread, its a spider web. One which is about to become twice as big… Continue reading Is Disney becoming Alchemax?

New Trailer for Black Panther

Today Marvel Studios offered a new taste for next year’s Black Panther film. Where the initial trailer was a bit discordant, the latest impressively blends design, action and beats. (Though someone in the editing suite is really proud of that car flip moment which reappears at pretty much same point in this trailer as it did in the previous).

Black Panther stars Chadwick Boseman, Michael B Jordan, Martin Freeman, Angela Basset, Lupita Nyong’o and Andy Serkis. The film, directed by Ryan Coogler, opens February 16th 2018.


Splitting Hairs, and Revenue Streams


Steaming giant Netflix and corporate powerhouse Disney are ending their business together as Netflix acquires Mark Millar’s company Millarworld. Will more options equal more competition, and thus better options for folks looking to binge-watch their entertainment? Continue reading Splitting Hairs, and Revenue Streams

San Diego Comic Con News & Things 7/22/2017

There is a flurry of announcements coming out San Diego Comic Con, this is some of the news that’s been revealed so far from the largest comics convention Continue reading San Diego Comic Con News & Things 7/22/2017

Spider-Man Homecoming Review


No Spoilers

Teenage coming-of-age movies are an evergreen subject for Hollywood films, with many classic movies starring the High School teen trying to figure out life within a four year period in two hours or less.  Ferris Buller’s Day OffThe Breakfast Club, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, even the wacky and high concept ones like Encino Man, Weird Science, or Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure. Wonderful films starring teenage characters and their quest for popularity, love, and not becoming a jaded adult. It’s hard to tire of films like those, even as an burgeoning adult myself, because I remember my high school days vividly. So it is that Spider-Man Homecoming joins the many great high school movies for this generation, and firmly establishes Tom Holland as THE Spider-Man… Continue reading Spider-Man Homecoming Review

Bucking the Inhumans


While the MCU has been a tremendous success in box office receipts, critical acclaim, and fan reception, one dark spot has been the recent Iron Fist series leading up to The Defenders on Netflix. While that was the dark horse of the Marvel’s properties on the streaming side, in retrospect, concern should’ve been placed when Scott Buck was tapped as the show runner. Buck’s last high profile work was also met with criticism and ire, and now he’s bringing the Inhumans to the small screen… Continue reading Bucking the Inhumans

First Trailer for Black Panther


Today Marvel Studios released their first trailer for next year’s Black Panther, which focuses on establishing the world of Wakanda. Likening the African kingdom to the old legends of the Lost City of El Dorado, this initial glimpse of Wakanda blends the ancient with the futuristic.

Black Panther stars Chadwick Boseman, Michael B Jordan, Lupita Nyong’o, Andy Serkis & Martin Freeman (so far with pants intact). The film, directed by Ryan Coogler, opens February 16th, 2018.


Random Musings: How the MCU Could Adapt The Infinity Watch

Infinity Gauntlet 6 struggle Rom Lim
Ron Lim

Contains a spoiler for the mid-credits scenes of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, plus multiple ones for Infinity Gauntlet and its aftermath.

This past weekend Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 arrived, racking up the box office and leaving fans wondering what was next for the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s cosmic heroes. The immediate answer is Avengers: Infinity War which will involve Thanos, Infinity Stones and some sort of existential threat to life throughout the universe. The question is what comes after all that. Guardians writer/director James Gunn has already confirmed that there will be a Guardians Vol. 3 for Phase 4 of the MCU and that he will be returning to helm it. In his statement, he reiterated Marvel Studio’s party line about Avengers 3 and 4 being a culmination of everything which came prior. He also dropped a hint that, like Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, the Guardians will see some status quo shifting post-Infinity: “It will conclude the story of this iteration of the Guardians of the Galaxy, and help catapult both old and new Marvel characters into the next ten years and beyond.” This is a rather broad statement which covers a wide amount of ground. The universe is a vast place and, even with certain character rights tied up at Fox, still well-populated with assorted friends and foes. The following is not in any way a prediction of what Marvel and Gunn are planning but simply an imagining of what one possible avenue could be.

Continue reading Random Musings: How the MCU Could Adapt The Infinity Watch