Tag Archives: Archie

Awesome Con 2017: Ryan North

Ryan North

During last month’s Awesome Con in Washington DC, I was able to speak with writer Ryan North for a few minutes about his recent work for The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl and Jughead. Unfortunately a technical glitch prevented the entire interview from recording. The first segment covering his Jughead run can be heard above Continue reading Awesome Con 2017: Ryan North

The Haul: March 2017

Looking back on last month’s article, I came to the realization that I tend to add more books to a list than I’m actually able to read and, in may cases, afford. There are only so many hours left at the end of the day to tackle my pull list, and, while they are a passion, comic books are not my only hobby. On top of that, I’ve been reading a lot more “older” stuff lately. This list will be more realistic, conservative towards what I think I’ll actually read. If I get to more, great! I’d love to read every good book out there.

Continue reading The Haul: March 2017

The Haul: February 2017

After an almost three year hiatus (the last post came out on 4/30/14), I’ve decided to bring back my column “The Haul.” At its inception, I vowed to write something once a week. Not only did that not happen then, but I will not even pretend to make that claim again today. However, what I can promise is to pop in at least once a month for this new endeavor. When “The Haul” first debuted, it was meant as a place where I could talk about whatever was on my mind that week in the world of comics. Having that freedom was nice, but this next iteration will have better specified boundaries. By dropping a lens over this column, I can provide a clearer focus on what it is readers can expect.

Continue reading The Haul: February 2017

Indubitable Issues & Pull Lists (5/23/2016)





Tyler’s Recommendations……..

665533_8fca14a9f1e1714d6f89b0e46ba4f5f47bdb9b46Afterlife With Archie #9

Afterlife with Archie #9, “It’s finally back! As with Sabrina last week, the folks at Archie Comics are gracing us with another long delayed gem. I hope this signals that things are back on track and we can expect these books with some regularity, because they are some very good comics Continue reading Indubitable Issues & Pull Lists (5/23/2016)

Review of Josie and Pussycats #4

Audrey Mok

By Marguerite Bennett, Cameron Deordio, Audrey Mok & Kelly Fitzpatrick

“I was reading Machiavelli at age 11. My gym teacher had to politely dissuade me from playing dodgeball.”

A few months ago, Archie expanded the scope of their recent revival with a relaunch of Josie and the Pussycats. Having gotten the band together in the debut issue, writers Marguerite Bennett and Cameron Deordio quickly sent them on the road and away from the familiar environs of Riverdale. The initial chapters were fun rollicks, full of Bennett’s trademark charming character work and meta-humor. These traits continue in full force for #4, wherein Bennett and Deordio’s references range from Homer to Anton Chekhov’s The Seagull to Zach Snyder’s Superman movies (as is “Damnit Melody, crime fighting isn’t in our contract! None of our moms are named Martha!” Seriously, David S. Goyer and Chris Terrio are never living down that one). However, in the midst of all these madcap hijinks, Bennett and Deordio are also crafting an ever deepening portrait of female friendship and empowerment. Last issue saw Josie confront some of her failings towards Alexandra, a scorned childhood friend. The latest installment offers up lessons about romance and self-worth. Josie is shaping up to be not simply an entertaining comic, but an affirmational one as well.

Continue reading Review of Josie and Pussycats #4

The Years Finest 2015: The Ten Best Artists

Without the art, it’s a script not a comic. These were our ten favorite illustrators of 2015 Continue reading The Years Finest 2015: The Ten Best Artists

This Year’s Finest 2015: The Best New Series

This was a year of great new comics and these were our ten favorites. Space warriors, space occultist, space terrorist, teens in space, teens in high school, teens in college, teens delivering papers, teens in a monarchy, teens in the avengers, teenage mummy’s on skateboards & Weird World. Continue reading This Year’s Finest 2015: The Best New Series

Review of Jughead #10

Derek Charm

By Ryan North & Derek Charm

Archie’s line of comics have experienced a fair amount of resurgence lately, first with their acclaimed horror title Afterlife with Archie. Following on this success, they turned their attention to more tradition iterations infusing them with A-List talent along the lines of Mark Waid, Fiona Staples and Adam Hughes plus rising stars such as Marguerite Bennett, Annie Wu and Erica Henderson. After Chip Zdarsky wrapped his run on Jughead, Ryan North took over writing duties last month with #9. On Wednesday, his second issue hits the shelves confirming that North’s goofy, upbeat sensibility was a perfect match for the series.

Continue reading Review of Jughead #10

Indubitable Issues and Pull List (9/30/15)




Tyler’s Recommendations: 
Stray Bullets: Sunshine and Roses #8
“I jumped onto the Stray Bullets train earlier this year, and have enjoyed every issue. Even without the context of reading past issues the story being told is compelling. David Lapham has built a crazy world inhabited by fully realized characters, and they’re all captivating to follow. I highly recommended this comic for any serious crime-drama fan.”

Continue reading Indubitable Issues and Pull List (9/30/15)