Tag Archives: Kelley Jones

From Uncover The Best Covers 2/22/2018

From Batman #41 by Mikel Jannin

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Freeze Frame 2/10/2018

From Vs. #1 by Esad Ribic & Nic Klein

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Uncover The Best Covers

From Batman Beyond #16 by Bernard Chang

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Freeze Frame 12/1/2017

From Batman Annual #2 by Lee Weeks & Elizabeth Breitweiser

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Freeze Frame 6/23/2017

From The Old Gaurd #5 by Leandro Fernandez & Daniela Miwa

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Tuesday Top Ten All Time Favorites: The Master List

Nothing But Comics has hit our two year mark and in observance of the sites anniversary, every Tuesday one of our staff members made a list of their favorite series, runs or issues of all time. This week we’ve aggregated all the list together Continue reading Tuesday Top Ten All Time Favorites: The Master List

Revisiting The Dreaming; Sandman’s Most Memorable Moments

It probably came as no surprise to long-time readers that I recently selected Neil Gaiman’s Sandman as my favorite comic series. I have written enthusiastically about the series in the past, as well as covered the latest addition to The Endless mythos: Sandman Overture. This Wednesday, Gaiman and artist J.H. Williams III bring Overture to an end. In anticipation of this event, I thought that I would revisit some of the most memorable moments from the original series. Gaiman was lucky to work with a wide variety of artistic talent for Sandman; together they created many of the most striking and poignant images in the medium.

NB: I have limited myself to the original 75 issue series. Thus, nothing from either Death limited series or the various additional takes, including Overture, which Gaiman has scripted since “The Tempest.”
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Nothing But Comics is about to hit our two year mark and in observance of the site’s anniversary, every Tuesday from now until we finish, one of our staff members will list off their favorite series, runs or issues of all time. This week it’s Tyler


Review of Swamp Thing #1

318337._SX640_QL80_TTD_By Len Wein, Kelley Jones & Michelle Madsen

In 1971, Swamp Thing debuted in House of Secrets #92. Over the course of the following 45 years, the character would undergo a series of permutations. What started as a horror comic book would be refashioned by Alan Moore into one of the most iconic runs of the 80s. Moore’s darker, more psychological edge would stick with the character throughout the subsequent Vertigo years as various writers would take their turn with Swampy. Then in the early 10s, DC began shifting Swamp Thing closer to its mainline characters with the Brightest Day sequel, The Search. This process was made complete by arrival of the New 52. Writers Scott Snyder and Charles Soule might have kept some of the accumulated atmosphere and mythos, but the overall effect was that the character was closer to a superhero than ever before (this was especially true of the Soule run). Now, DC has course corrected once again, reconnecting Swamp Thing with his former horror roots. It is a welcome change, which, based on the initial outing, is generally successful.
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